Tuesday, November 4, 2008

my stones

So, the Hubs left for Vegas on Sunday. I am a rockstar of a wife. I can handle this. I packed for him (double checked the weather report for Vegas), put together the paperwork he would need, hell, I even rented him a car. Off he went. Flight went great. Everything at home was smooth. WAS. If you don't want the "TOO MUCH INFORMATION" version, skip down to the stars.

Two weeks ago I went to the Dr. It was burning when I peed. UTI. Antibiotics for 7 days. Done in time for Halloween. Sweet. I will consider that my illness for the year. (I never get sick) I think that the last time I had an antibiotic was maybe 5 years ago.
Saturday. Ouch. Pee pain. WTF? Made a mental note of it. Didn't have to, it was getting worse. Todd off to the airport on Sunday. Called the Dr. Monday morning and he prescribed another round of antibiotics. Still not feeling great. Monday evening, feeling crabbier. I have a board meeting at my house (I cannot skip). I pull through like a champ. Not really. Still hurts. I call Todd (who has an intense vulnerability to my pain). He was TOTALLY yelling at me. Todd never yells. I laughed. Situational humor. So out of character for him to be like that.
Here is my dilemma: after 9 p.m., by myself with the kids, don't want to drive myself to the hospital (Todd has REQUIRED me to go) and certainly don't want to take the kids.
So I call my sister. She picked up my kids and took them to her house where she had made them up a place to sleep and put them to bed. (her hubs was home) She then took me to the hospital (Lukes on Eagle).
I was the only one there, YAY!! Get checked in. I get a "gown" and a blanket. Gotta love the health care fields definition of "gown". Can you imagine a hospital "prom"? A hospital "wedding"? LOL, just a bunch of ass cheeks!!
IV, bad. Morphine, good! Now that I am feeling better, I get options!! So my options are ultra-sound or CT scan. Hmmm? Let me think? Yeah, I am gonna go with the ultrasound.
(Funny side thought: Todd got the old 'snip-snip' 4 years ago. If I could get a copy of my kidney ultrasound (Todd can't tell what the hell he is looking at anyway) and e-mail it to him in Vegas, it would totally be revenge for the yelling:) Damn machine, out of paper!!)
So, they did the ultrasound and then she pulls out this "thing". "And now we are just going to check out your ovaries to make sure it isn't cysts causing the problem"
Uh, if you are using THAT to check out THOSE, you probably have to put it.................
Yeah. That was a little more action than I was planning on, Todd being in Vegas and all.
So there is my sister the whole time, sitting there. We were kinda chatting, until I saw her peeking at the screen. "Dude, quit looking at my vagina!" Funny.
Back to the doctor.
Kidney Stones.
Nothing you can do for it.
Pain pills ;) and chill.
Call your doctor in the morning.
Yada, yada, yada.

I got home about 2 a.m. My poor sister had to get up early. Sorry, Stacy! I am tired now. Morphine hangover.
I am only glad it wasn't appendicitis!


Camille said...

Oh Shawna... lol. Too funny. Sorry to hear about the stones, And the ultrasound probe! Been there, done that...

pinon family said...

Ouch! Sisters are the best, even when they peek "down there"! Love ya

Talyor Family said...

Shawna what the hell!!! Why didn't you call me I can totally help you anytime!! Do you need anything now? Dinner or anything?! Dude that sucks I was so going to laugh if you were pregnant for some extremely odd reason! That would be soooo soooo funny!!!