Monday, October 27, 2008

Massacre of the Gourds

Halloween 2008
Moyer Pumpkin Carving

These are the pumpkins we grew in our gardent this summer. As you can see, they would've appreciated a few more warm days to turn nice and orange. That early snow made me pick them the 10th of November. Lex and Ty thought it was cool that they got green pumpkins!

Lexie is STOKED to be carving pumpkins today. She has waited a long time for this. We planted the pumpkins from seed in the spring and every time we worked in the garden she lamented over how she would carve them. She babied them, talked to them, watered them gently. Now she wants to stab them. Ah, the mind of a girl.

Please note Ty's "shirt". I asked him to change out of his favorite shirt so he wouldn't get dirty. What he chose instead was a knit vest meant to be worn over a white button down shirt, aka church wear. He paired this with denim shorts. Boys. By his attire, it looks as if we stole some pumpkins from Garden City, and carved them behind a truck stop somewhere.

(Please note Ty's ensemble!)
It took almost 5 minutes to get him to put his hand in his pumpkin. When he finally did, he mostly just petted the strands inside. He is such a wussy. :)

"would you make me eat this if I was bad?" Ty
(Hadn't thought of it, but good idea!!)

Lexie was SO into it. Scooping, carving, scooping some more.....

"This would be so hard to throw up, because of all the seeds." Lexie

Not if you are a pumpkin!!!!!

Pumpkin by Lexie Moyer, 2008

Pumpkin by Tyrus Moyer, 2008

Pumpkin by Daddy and Mommy, 2008

Happy Halloween!


Camille said...

So cute. Love the pumpkins. You are brave to trust the kids with knives. Tomorrow the fam is coming over and we're going to (ahem), "Shoot Pumpkins and Blow them up", according to Alex. Sounds like good holiday fun to me!

Shawna said...

short little serrated "pumpkin" knives, to be exact. Not exactly sharp. I thought it was pretty obvious that Ty did not carve his own:). He told me where to put the eyes and nose, and I used "mom skills" to interpret what he "wanted". He was pretty grossed out by the guts!

Kim said...

Those are awesome! I typically work as hard as I can so I don't have to carve pumpkins! I'd rather they just paint them. LOL

RaeAnn said...

Gotta love the blog stalking, and gotta love the pumpkin carving. I do not have the artistic ability for that. THanks for your nice comment, RaeAnn

Talyor Family said...

super cute looks like tons of fun! our pumpkins are still on the porch un carved un anything. we are losers this year. carving pumpkins wasnt part of my mari go round routine so it didnt get done! I see you've been teaching lexie your gang signS!!