Friday, November 7, 2008

stowing the aircraft carrier

So, Ty's fever broke last night and hasn't come back. Over the prior 48 hours it hasn't dropped below 100. I know 100 isn't bad, but spiking to 104.5 for an hour and a half (despite 3 baths and alternating Motrin and Tylenol) is not my favorite. Strep throat. Well, today I am free (unless Lexie comes home with something) so I decided to tidy up a bit. (understatement)
I cleaned the garage. All the things that didn't fit in the garage went into the trailer. (Yikes when Todd discovers THAT scenario!).
To help you understand the challenge, Todd's truck is precisely 6 inches shorter than the depth of our garage. It is not a small garage, the truck is the equivalent of a land bound aircraft carrier. The challenge is this: snapping a chalk line on the floor to use as a guide for stowing those things we find necessary, but haven't actually seen in 10 years. (funny story: last time we cleaned the garage, Todd insisted that we save this box. It was HUGE. Water damage on the bottom, tape that was holding the top shut was no longer sticky. You get the picture. So I popped it open. It contained manuals from the American Red Cross Lifeguard Safety Course from over 20 years ago when Todd first took the class to become a lifeguard at then Wild Waters for a part time summer job when he was 15!!!!!!!!!! Necessity? I think not! Now I clean the garage when he is not home. I know it is the "man's" job, but frankly, I would prefer it done correctly.)
So you have to remove the hitch from the truck and "kiss" the front wall with the bumper. ( I have visions of driving through the kitchen (on the other side of the garage wall) if I accidentally step on the gas, not the brake.) You also have to pull in the side mirrors (on both sides) and the garage totally smells like diesel.
The end result is a beautiful masterpiece crafted from perfectly balanced Rubbermaid totes, color coded for content, and the fine maneuvering skills equivalent to that of a veteran truck driver. The sight of the empty driveway and closed garage door will hopefully cause panic and some sort of heart attack when Todd cannot figure out where the hell his truck is!! To top it off, I drove his patrol car (hypothetically) and parked it (again, hypothetically) in the driveway where his truck was. That was my (alleged) reward for cleaning the garage. :)

*Any statements made in reference to any perceived "illegal" activities are to be viewed in a fictional, non-true, and maybe even ridiculous light. None of the statements contained here-in are meant to endorse or promote illegal activities. :)


Camille said...

lol! You are so funny. I glad you only hypothetically drove the cruiser... cause I'm thinking Todd might just have to site you for that.... in the event it wasn't hypothetically. Which I'm completely sure it was. It's okay, our neighbor let Andy borrow the 'motorbike' to run to Pauls. But actually that's completely untrue, I just wanted to get your attention. :) Sorry to hear Ty was sick. Poor guy.

Heather Carringer Lemon said...

I totally know how you feel. As if driving Darrell's pick up in town is scary enough now I am learning to drive a school bus! I know you are wondering why...I absolutly refuse for my 4 year old to ride the bus for 45 min to school and I can't afford the gas up there five days a week. Therefore mom is getting a job driving the school bus next year when she starts kindergarden. Yeah me!